Its was funny to hear old white people (young too) mumble comments as the film went over the ass kicking that was dished out on that "Infamous Day" in HIS-story. Now you like OH shit he done went anti-american but lets keep it real son, REALLY REAL. Oil was a factor in that shit just like oil was a factor in the latest war we got right now. Go read your texts;
US said...
No oil!
Japan said ok...
No Vactions!
And we all know the rest : Homey Dont Play Dat!
But i digress, it was just interesting to hear some of the comments after the boat returned, or what I call rationalisations like "Dropping the Bomb saved millions of lives" or "If we didnt do it we would all be speaking Japanese" and I was like oh ok I guess black people just need to start using this same sort of rationality for their actions, because after after a few decades you actually start believing this stuff. Some good ol' mass Capital Punishment for the greater good... Now thats what I'm talking about! Needless to say I had, have, and will continue to have my own agenda up in this piece, NO DOUBT!
War sucks, but lets look at the motivations, who benifits, is it really protecting our way of life, or ensuring the continued balance of power, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Argue that issue if you want too, just make sure you talking to someone who doesnt have a clue about world HIS-Story for the last millenium or two for that matter.
Sometimes I am just amazed at the audacity, its like this invisible blanket that forces you to go along, sometimes they call it mainstream thought, funny thing is my I-Pod cant cast from that particular stream. It's like ok blacky you better agree with what it is we got planned, and if not who cares because there is nothing you can do about it any ways. Take for instance the Tookie senario, I'm not here to discuss him per se but why is it that every time we got an issue (especially on CNN, MSNBC, FOX) we always got the same ol cats repping us? I addressed this before but I gotta bring this one back because ya boy with the Bow Tie went at it again with Al Sharpton this time about Tookie. This is like an on going battle for this fool, and boy was he ready to light Al up, he must still be mad from the Katrina Ass whupping the Rev. put on him last time he was on his wack ass show. Its like walking into the lions den and being expected to lay on the plate and then asking to get your ass ate the hell up. YT is a master at rationalisation, oh yes he is!!!! My question is why havent they found some sell out ass, coon dog, boot lickin Kneegrow, to have his own show on any of the major cable networks, and no son sport shows dont count!
Oil for food, nigga that dont even sound right...
Thats like saying Food stamps for crack!
Better recognize...