Time to drop some of my own stuff for awhile...
Originally this blog was going to be a place where I was going to explain my ART, and the reasons behind many of my themes. So many times have I been asked "what does this piece mean?" That I went on to write a book about my concepts which turned into a whole web site on its own. So at least for the next few entries I am going to turn the focus, Inward. Just to give you a taste of what it is I see and how I translate this internally. So for those of you who happen to visit here or GhettoGold, Art is and always will be my passion, my life, my codification and regurgitation of the stimulus within my radius.

As with everything around us there is a message in the "facial" the direct viz. the focus of our consciousness. What is interesting is that the subcontent, the inattentional, lies in this very same space and yet we are "tuned out" so as to not focus on specifics, in such a manner that we lose the ability to visualize the system as a whole. What is apparent is not always RECognized, meaning most codes are not hidden, they just aren't understood...

Some pieces reflect certain themes merely by the mediums that I choose to present them on; Newpaper, Plywood, Canvas, Cardboard, Digital, all play a significant part in the joints I drop. Being a fan of the "ready made" I love the context of working with certain materials and working around their "realm" expanding the Rhizome... So I get down, in many mediums; Its cool for my thought process and it helps me to understand what it is that my OS is trying to crunch.
The Book mark series came from my Mom's she was always telling me to make my own joints so I did. A while back I used to run with this art crew on EBAY where we sold our joints, it was cool and I really got the Idea for the blog around my descriptions for my pieces. My shit was hot, I had to use some

So while I was getting my hustle on, I was also spreading my message. Reaching out and letting suckas know "I gets down like that". As for the group it came and went like many things do, but you can best believe I am still dropping hot fire on the canvass. Most of the time cats just roll in and say "Thats mine dawg, DON'T PLAY" and that's that ...