There’s a maxim in black communities, especially amongst West Indian and African immigrants, that in order to “succeed” in this country, one has to be a “super nigger,” as this author’s mother refers to it; one has to work harder, be more qualified and more upstanding than his white or Asian competitors to earn the same position or reap the same professional rewards as they do with less burden.
Harold M. Clemens
(Super Nigger Blues)
Harold M. Clemens
(Super Nigger Blues)
That was true until Super Nigga actually ascended (Stargate you know a nigga watch him some SCI-FI) from the minds, bodies, and souls of black folk collectively. In his new form as the worlds only Super Hero, Super Nigga begins by arbitrarily smokin fools, all over the world. Since his mind is a collective of the global black culture his actions speak for black people as a whole. Leaders from around the world scramble to see just how this changes the black mans role in world politics…… You know I decided to take myself up on the Black Super Hero concept, and as you can see I have been having a good ass time with my photoshop. Please stay tuned for the adventures of Super Nigga… (No that’s not his real name I’m saving that shit for later)
Up, Up, and Away!!!